Absence Management - Standley & Co Solicitors | Knowle, Dorridge and Solihull
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Absence Management

Have you been unwell?  Is your employer calling you into an Absence Management Meeting?  Your employer may want to discuss with you the reasons for your absence.

You should be given the opportunity to discuss the reasons for your absence and whether you feel any adjustments are required to your role or working day in order to help you back into the workplace. You should be provided with a copy of your employer’s Absence Management Policy.

Request a call back

Complete the form below where a member of the team will be in touch. Alternatively, you can call us on 01564 776287.

Some of the areas our team deals with are as follows:

Dismissal & Disciplinary

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Performance Management

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Settlement Agreements

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Contractual Documents

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Restrictive Covenants

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Tribunal Claims

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