covid-19-updates Archives - Standley & Co Solicitors
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Guidance for visitors to Standley & Co Offices

If you are feeling unwell with any of the Covid-19 symptoms please do not attend our premises. Meetings can be held by conference call and video conferencing. Please adhere to the government’s social distancing guidelines for being Covid-19 secure. Please ensure you use hand sanitiser provided...

Office Notice

Please note: In the light of the recent guidance from the Government, our offices are re-opening to the Public from 1st June 2020. However, in order to protect the health and wellbeing of both our staff and clients we would ask that social distancing is practised...

Coronavirus/COVID-19 – have you been put on Furlough leave?

Most employees will have been affected in some way by the Coronavirus crisis. You may have been asked to work from home, work reduced hours, been made redundant or put on temporary leave (Furlough leave). I will look at Furlough leave in this blog.   Furlough Leave The Government...

Covid-19 updates

As the impact of COVID-19 continues to have an effect on us all,  I am writing to you to let you know what we are doing to ensure that we continue to provide you with the advice and service that you need whilst prioritising the...