Restrictive Covenants - Standley & Co Solicitors
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Restrictive Covenants

Restrictive Covenants are mainly given in order to protect the confidential information relating to the company and its clients. Restrictive Covenants can be contained in documents such as a Contract of Employment, a Consultancy Agreement or a Settlement Agreement.

In order to be enforceable, Restrictive Covenants must be no wider than is reasonably necessary to protect an employer’s legitimate business interests.


We can also help when you are faced with an allegation by a former employer that you have breached Restrictive Covenants. This is a complicated area and therefore it is very important that you seek advice.  Even though your former employer may have sent you a letter stating that you have no option but to agree to what they want, there may well be alternatives that we can discuss with you.  We will consider what effect Restrictive Covenants have on you, if they have any effect at all, and advise you how to resolve any disputes that may have arisen.

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Some of the areas our team deals with are as follows:

Dismissal & Disciplinary

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Performance Management

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Absence Management

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Settlement Agreements

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Contractual Documents

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Tribunal Claims

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