Settlement Agreements - Standley & Co Solicitors
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Settlement Agreements

If you have had  without prejudice conversation with your employer, you may have been asked to sign a settlement agreement.  Your employer will recommend that you take legal advice and this is where we can assist you.

The aim behind a Settlement Agreement is to bring an employment relationship to an end by agreement and when the agreement is signed you are prevented from bringing any claims against your employer.  It is common that your employer will offer you compensation as an incentive to sign the agreement.  This is usually a sum of money but can also be a benefit or agreed reference which will help you secure alternative employment. A Settlement Agreement is only valid if you take independent legal advice.


We will meet with you and review the terms of the Settlement Agreement, discuss the circumstances of how and why you were given one, and advise you about any potential claims that you may have.  We will also review the offer made and advise as to its suitability for the circumstances.  Your employer will usually contribute a sum of money towards your costs of taking legal advice.

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