Tribunal Claims - Standley & Co Solicitors
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Tribunal Claims

If you feel you have been dismissed unfairly by your employer, or that you had to resign from your employment due to the way you have been treated by your employer, you may wish to consider bringing a claim.  Similarly, if you feel you have been discriminated against due to gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age, disability, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, either directly or indirectly,  in the eyes of the law this is unacceptable and you may have a claim in the Employment Tribunal.

If you are considering making a claim in the Employment Tribunal, you normally have a time limit of 3 months (less 1 day) from the date of the act which you want to complain about to bring a claim against your employer.


We will consider the circumstance of your situation, the reasons your employer has given for treating you in the way that it did, any relevant process followed by your employer and the likelihood of compensation available to you whether you go through the Employment Tribunal or via settlement through ACAS Early Conciliation.

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